• 裝修須知|買完樓唔夠錢裝修?必睇裝修慳錢攻略!


    成功上樓後,相信業主都想好好裝修一番,實現心目中的安樂窩。不過大部份人在買樓後,荷包已經乾塘,沒有能力負擔數十萬的全屋裝修費用。 所以 Latote 為大家整理了4個裝修慳錢貼士,用最低的成本進行裝修,就算只有十幾萬也能打造完美之家。

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  • Dr. I-Kids Education Centre Office Redesigning with ALIDA

    ALIDA , namely Advanced Living Interior Design AI, was the most recent investigation from LATOTE. It is an interior design platform that support the use of AI analysis and generation. Dr. I-Kids Education Centre was our first customer to experience this latest platform. After uploading the original interior photos and choosing preferential style, the platform…

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  • 現代簡約風設計|4大現代簡約風裝修設計特色、簡單舒適強調空間感



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Ready To Start New Project With LATOTE?

LaToTe is a new technology company focusing on the development of the immersive computer applications. We dedicated ourselves to develop innovative AR/VR technologies and solutions.
