LATOTE – Interviewed by Hong Kong Economic Journal
We’re thrilled to announce that our innovative AI interior design solutions were recently featured in an interview with EJ Tech. It is a great opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge AI-powered interior design app for you.
Mixed Reality for Inventory Picking
Overview This project introduces a cutting-edge software developed specifically for the HoloLens platform, designed to revolutionize inventory management. The innovative solution leverages Mixed Reality (MR) to streamline the inventory picking process, creating an immersive experience for users. By overlaying digital information onto the physical environment, workers can easily locate and identify items in real-time, optimizing…
Latote – New Possibilities in Interior Design
We‘re excited to introduce LATOTE – a technology company dedicated to transform the way you plan, design, and build your dream spaces. Using the latest advancements in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), our innovative platform enables you to visualize and customize your interiors like never before. Bring your design ideas to life, right…
成功上樓後,相信業主都想好好裝修一番,實現心目中的安樂窩。不過大部份人在買樓後,荷包已經乾塘,沒有能力負擔數十萬的全屋裝修費用。 所以 Latote 為大家整理了4個裝修慳錢貼士,用最低的成本進行裝修,就算只有十幾萬也能打造完美之家。
業主裝修時,最怕遇到的一個惡夢便是工程爛尾,不僅無法準時入伙,還需付出額外的金錢完成工程,若處理不當,更有可能惹上法律糾紛! 若不幸遇上黑心裝修公司,工程爛尾,應該要怎樣做呢?Latote 整理了處理和善後的步驟,最大程度減少大家的損失。
室內設計︱精選全球十大室內設計師,誰打造出經典 Chanel 銀座旗艦店?仲有兩位香港設計師上榜!
想得到滿意的安樂窩,除了完美無瑕的裝修,更需要配搭獨特美觀的室內設計。為了啟發各位的靈感,Latote 搜集了十位享譽國際的著名室內設計師,每個人都擁有獨一無二的設計風格和個人美感,他們運用自己的專業才能,打造出一個個藝術品。
裝修是一項大工程,在此之前需要進行許多準備,其中一樣最重要的是決定裝修風格。但那麼多風格,應該怎樣挑選?Latote 為您整合了五大熱門室內設計風格,幫助您認識並找出您的個人喜好。