LATOTE – Interviewed by Hong Kong Economic Journal
We’re thrilled to announce that ALIDA were recently featured in an interview with EJ Tech. It is a great opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge AI-powered interior design app for you.
Latote Technology Limited is thrilled to introduce the Advanced Living Interior Design AI (ALIDA), revolutionizing the bedroom at Onmantin Tower 6B Unit A.
Latote Technology Limited is thrilled to introduce the Advanced Living Interior Design AI (ALIDA), revolutionizing the living room at Onmantin Tower 6B Unit A.
Latote - 迎接室內設計新可能
Dr. I-Kids Education Centre Office Redesigning with ALIDA
ALIDA , namely Advanced Living Interior Design AI, was the most recent investigation from LATOTE. It is an interior design platform that support the use of AI analysis and generation. Dr. I-Kids Education Centre was our first customer to experience this latest platform. After uploading the original interior photos and choosing preferential style, the platform…