• 裝修須知︱揀裝修公司揀到頭都大?即睇六大重點避免墮入陷阱


    作為新手,該如何正確尋找適合的裝修公司,而不掉進陷阱呢? 以下便是戶主在選擇裝修公司前,需要考慮的六個要點。 事前準備 、信譽、認可資格、實地考察、報價和比較。

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  • Metaverse in Education

    The Metaverse is an innovative technology that can enhance the learning experience of students. It creates an immersive and interactive environment that allows users to interact with objects, people and environments. Different from the traditional learning methods, students in the Metaverse can learn by doing hands-on practices, experimenting, and making mistakes in a safe and…

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  • Football Simulator with Skeletal Tracking 

    The Football Simulator with Skeletal Tracking, a joint venture with IVE (Kwun Tong), uses cutting-edge skeletal tracking technologies to create a personalized and realistic gameplay experience. 

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  • VR Biosafety Level 3 Lab Safety Training Simulator 

    The VR Biosafety Level 3 Lab Safety Training Simulator is a state-of-the-art, virtual reality-based training program, designed to provide interactive and immersive training for proper safety protocols and operations within a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory. This initiative has been developed for the Department of Health Technology and Informatics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. …

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  • VR Multiplayer Football Simulator 

    Developed in partnership with IVE (Kwun Tong), the VR Multiplayer Football Simulator aims to deliver an immersive, interactive, and realistic football simulation experience. 

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  • 奢華風設計|4大奢華風裝修設計特色、華麗典雅強調光澤感


    奢華風注重高品質和豪華感,加入華麗和充滿細節的元素,增加貴氣,創造尊貴高端的居家風格。 設計特色包括寬敞空間、華麗配色、光滑建材和精緻家具。

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  • Dr. I-Kids Education Centre Office Redesigning with ALIDA

    ALIDA , namely Advanced Living Interior Design AI, was the most recent investigation from LATOTE. It is an interior design platform that support the use of AI analysis and generation. Dr. I-Kids Education Centre was our first customer to experience this latest platform. After uploading the original interior photos and choosing preferential style, the platform…

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  • 日式風設計|4大日式風裝修設計特色、樸素溫暖強調實用收納



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  • 工業風設計|4大工業風裝修設計特色、懷舊冷酷強調工廠美感


    工業風起源於十九世紀末的歐洲,其中最具代表性的是位於法國巴黎的艾菲爾鐵塔。直到二十世紀,美國紐約因住房短缺,大量改造舊工廠和倉庫成公寓,工業風格因而開始流行。 設計特色包括裸露結構、灰暗色調、原始建材和工業家具。

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  • 現代簡約風設計|4大現代簡約風裝修設計特色、簡單舒適強調空間感



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準備好與 LATOTE 一起開始新項目了嗎?

LaToTe 是一家專註於開發沉浸式智能虛擬解決方案的新型技術公司。我們致力於開發創新的 AR/VR 技術和解決方案。
